Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Leaving China tomorrow evening....

It's Thursday morning here and we are flying out of Guangzhou tomorrow night at 9:00. It is a 12 and a half hour flight to LAX and then we will have a layover there and board another plane to Atlanta. We will arrive in Atlanta on Saturday morning....then drive home. It was a hard trip coming here so I am imagining that it will be a little more difficult with a two year old. Sarah is pretty easy going, but that is a long time to be confided. We are excited about going home. I think that everything will be easier there. Sadly, it is another adjustment for Sarah, but I have faith that she will do just fine. She was a bit cranky yesterday, but she didn't have a nap because we had an appointment. She went to sleep reluctantly around 8:00 and is still sleeping. We gave her a bath yesterday which was a little better, but still lots of screaming and crying. She has been in the pool and does pretty well as long as hold her, but the tub is not her favorite. It will get better and we will have to be okay with her being upset. :( There is a family here that we have become close to that we are going to miss! That and Sarah leaving her homeland is the only reason we are sad about leaving. I hope that we will be able to stay in touch with them!! 
Yesterday at our swearing in at the American Consulate there were about 80 American families there adopting children. It was neat to see that. There was one family there that this was there 5th adoption from China. How incredible. I got teary eyed seeing all of the children. The children ranged from elementary school age to babies. Lots of kids with special needs and parents from different walks of life. We can't wait to see everyone......

Happy girl!!!!

Waiting on her food.....


Jeannie said...

Ok..this is too cute...the pic of her waiting for her looks like she is looking at you saying "IT BETTER GET HERE QUICK, AND I MEAN NOW" cute Cant wait to see yall I miss you alot and looking forward to you coming home

love ya...Jeannie and Mary

Anonymous said...

hi aunt maria and uncle todd sarah looks soo cute.. man is that plane trip going to be a long time but as long as she is finally comeing hhome with u guys its totally worth it(: ..i love her waiting for food picture she is like i want my food now!!!!! hehe anyways i cant wait for to see you guys next month its not that far away to seeing you guys..well love you guys<3 ..and miss you

Lori Lee said...

Safe travels! I'm sure the goodbyes will be bittersweet, but it will be so wonderful for Sarah to be home!

Anonymous said...

i hate the goodbyes too..when u make a close friend(: travels...cant wait to see you guys..and i cant wait to hear about sarah's expirence on finally meeting her new perfect home(:
love yahs<3