Thursday, July 15, 2010

Leaving Friday afternoon.....

We are leaving this afternoon for Guangzhou. I can't believe our trip here in Nanchang is coming to a close. We have enjoyed our time here. We will meet up with some more families in Guangzhou. There is a woman that I have been communicating with that will be there and we will finally meet. I am excited. In Guangzhou, we will take care of some paperwork and Sarah will have a medical examine and will more than likely received some vaccinations. Please pray that she doesn't need that many and she will not get sick. I think that it is so wrong that our gov't requires this of us, but this is just want has to be done in order to get a visa to come home AND we want to come home. Sarah is doing good. She is walking more and more everyday. She is so funny! She is smart and understands so much of what is going on. The most frustrating part is that we don't understand what she is saying. She babbles in Chinese and even the Chinese guides we are with don't understand what she is saying. The more we don't understand what she wants the louder she gets. :) The culture is so different here. I could spend hours writing about what we have seen. The people for the most part are friendly and helpful, but of course, the language barrier is difficult. One of the things I am most surprised by is how loud everyone is here. People talk so loudly and fast. Everywhere we go, people stare at us. It feels uncomfortable at times. I am writing in the middle of the night here because I am not feeling well. I am having some stomach issues so pray that I feel better soon!!

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

I hope you feel better...I had that yesturday...ugh...not well..I have relaxed alot since I have chatted with you and got to hear Sarah...I cried when I chatted with you but I think I hid it well I didnt want Sarah to hear the wacko on the phone I feel much more at for the return..cant you all!!hugz