Thursday, February 24, 2011

My lovely......

Sarah had a cardiologist appointment yesterday. It was rough. She had to be sedated for her echo because little Miss Sarah won't cooperate. Even sedating her was rough. She fought the nurse with all of her thirty pound might. It was horrible to watch. I didn't even watch. She eventually fell asleep and they did an echo and EKG. She looked so beautiful laying there. Once she woke up, she got sick four and five times. I felt so bad for her. The doctor (who is wonderful by the way) told us that Sarah's aortic root is enlarged and he prescribed her some blood pressure medication that will hopefully stop the root from enlarging. Her blood pressure isn't high, however the medication has proved to help this condition. If the medication doesn't work, she may have to have the valve replaced. The doctor said that if she needed surgery, it probably wouldn't be for awhile. Sarah's two valves are also leaking, which is part of her defect. After yesterday, I have resolved to the fact that Sarah will have to have her valves replaced. The great thing is that these things are fixable. One of the hardest parts of all of this is that Sarah's is so scared of the doctors and procedures. She fights, screams, and cries. If she has to have surgery, we are hoping it is later than sooner so maybe she will understand more. The doctor said she has no restrictions and to treat her like a children with no problems. She is so strong and active. Nobody would ever know she was born with a heart defect unless you saw the scar on her lovely little chest. Yesterday was exhausting. Thank God Todd was able to come. I wouldn't of weathered quite as well if he wasn't there. 
The fun news is Sarah's birthday is March 6th and she is having a party on the 5th. I am excited. I am not even sure she has ever celebrated her birthday. She will have a great time and she deserves to be honored. I love her and her little personality. Her strong will makes us insane at times, but later in life, it will serve her well. 
It is so warm here today...I have flip flops on! Yay!

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