Monday, November 14, 2011

Hugs and Kisses…..

Even from the moment that we met Sarah, she allowed us to hold her, but she didn’t’ reciprocate affection. Sarah would sit on our laps, but if we tried to put our arms around her, she would push us away. Sometimes we would ask for a hug or a kiss and she would firmly say. “no.” We knew intellectually that this was part of the attachment process and that it would take time for her to trust us, but it was hard. We wanted to snuggle and cuddle with her, but she wasn't ready. Slowly, she started to warm up. At first, Sarah wouldn’t even lay with us to nap. Last November, she started to feel comfortable enough to sleep with  us, but she would lay on at the end of the bed. She wouldn’t snuggle up between us. Now, she will snuggle and cuddle with us. She gives affection freely without us initiating it. She asks to be a “snuggle bunny.” Todd and I are affectionate people so we love this side of Sarah. Sometimes during the day, she will walk over to me, kiss me, and say “wuv you” or she will ask me to hold her hand will we are driving. She is so sweet. She loves snuggling with her daddy. She runs to him if she is scared and she asks him to hold her. She is also feeling secure enough to allow herself to attach to other adults in her life. That is such a good sign of healthy attachment. Sarah is such a lovely, complicated little girl and I am so glad she is our daughter

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