Friday, July 23, 2010

Leaving Tonight....

Yeah! We are leaving China this evening and will arrive in Atlanta on the 24th at 8:15am. Rick and Angie are picking us up and my mom and dad will be waiting for us when we get home. I am so excited to see them and to get home. I know that this will be another transition for Sarah, but I have faith that we will get through it as a family. I am looking forward to establishing a routine and her being in a place where she is safe ans secure to run around and play. Our hotel room isn't kid friendly! Please pray for safe travels for us and all of the families in our travel group. We said goodbye to Melanie and Ryan and their family and it was difficlut. We have been with them everyday and I am going to miss them. Their daughter is so precious. She is such a beautiful baby. I hope that we keep in touch!! 
We are hoping since we are traveling overnight that Sarah will sleep....pray for that for us also!! There are four other families that we know that will be on our flight to LAX so hopefully it will not be a chorus of four screaming babies! :)
We can't wait to be home!! Also.....Juanita (my best friend from college) is in the hospital as we speak being induced...little Amelia will be her first!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that will sure be a long plane trip homee..and i do pray for you all that sarah sleeps some of the way home too..well i cant wait for the transition progress of hers comeing to your home and also congrats on ur friend who is haveing a baby i believe her name is lil amelia..(: ...please have a safe trip home i love you guys<3